Sui Move V0

Deployed Contracts




to use the contract, you must pass in the data you receive from the Stork API. For example, this response:

    "0x51aa9e9c781f85a2c0636a835eb80114c4553098": {
        "external_asset_id": "XRPUSD",
        "price": "360500000000000000",
        "timestamped_signature": {
            "signature": {
                "r": "0x25a434cbece35d96bed07995de0689442cdf102d34b91e64e20362e00160ffd1",
                "s": "0x4007c7528fa2164e0ed95b6ae89716d2eb929ea02101f09eb7822a8a68c968a8",
                "v": "0x1b"
            "timestamp": "1678911180",
            "msg_hash": "0x5c505a54e938cf4030057f4d8e5817f34f126e807455d26b266373f331f76197"

Produces the following inputs:


Oracle Name


Asset Pair








where signature is concat(r,s,v) from the response.


Stork takes advantage of Sui Move's ability to verify ECDSA signatures to offer access to the entire Stork catalog. To verify Stork prices, you can use the following code which is also what is deployed to the sample contracts listed on this page.

module sui_verify_signature::verify{
    use sui::hash;
    use std::bcs;
    use sui::tx_context::{Self, TxContext};
    use sui::transfer;
    use sui::ecdsa_k1;
    use std::vector;
    use sui::object::{Self, UID};

    public entry fun verify_sig(
        oracle_string: vector<u8>, 
        asset_pair_id: vector<u8>, 
        price: u256, 
        timestamp: u256, 
        signature: vector<u8>,
        ctx: &mut TxContext
    ) {

        // Build the message from the components
        let pack = std::vector::empty<u8>(); 
        std::vector::append(&mut pack, oracle_string);
        std::vector::append(&mut pack, asset_pair_id);
        std::vector::append(&mut pack, pack_u256(timestamp));
        std::vector::append(&mut pack, pack_u256(price));

        // Hash the message
        let hashed_message  = hash::keccak256(&pack); 

        // Prepend the message with the Ethereum Signed Message prefix
        let padder = b"\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n32";

        // Combine the message and the prefix
        std::vector::append(&mut padder, hashed_message);

        let response : bool = erecover_to_eth_address_and_reply(signature, padder) == oracle_string;
        // event::emit(VerifiedEvent {is_verified: response});

        let addr_object = Output {
            id: object::new(ctx),
            value: response,

        // Transfer an output data object holding the address to the recipient.
        transfer::public_transfer(addr_object, tx_context::sender(ctx))


     * Library Methods

    struct VerifiedEvent has copy, drop {
        is_verified: bool,

    struct MyEvent has copy, drop {
        value: vector<u8>

    struct Output has key, store {
        id: UID,
        value: bool

    fun pack_u256(value_to_pack: u256) : vector<u8> {
        let value_vector = bcs::to_bytes(&value_to_pack);
        std::vector::reverse(&mut value_vector);

    // Recovers and returns the signing address
    public fun erecover_to_eth_address_and_reply(signature: vector<u8>, raw_msg: vector<u8>) : vector<u8> {
        let v = vector::borrow_mut(&mut signature, 64);
        if (*v == 27) {
            *v = 0;
        } else if (*v == 28) {
            *v = 1;
        } else if (*v > 35) {
            *v = (*v - 1) % 2;

        let pubkey = ecdsa_k1::secp256k1_ecrecover(&signature, &raw_msg, 0);
        let uncompressed = ecdsa_k1::decompress_pubkey(&pubkey);

        // Take the last 64 bytes of the uncompressed pubkey.
        let uncompressed_64 = vector::empty<u8>();
        let i = 1;
        while (i < 65) {
            let value = vector::borrow(&uncompressed, i);
            vector::push_back(&mut uncompressed_64, *value);
            i = i + 1;

        // Take the last 20 bytes of the hash of the 64-bytes uncompressed pubkey.
        let hashed = hash::keccak256(&uncompressed_64);
        let addr = vector::empty<u8>();
        let i = 12;
        while (i < 32) {
            let value = vector::borrow(&hashed, i);
            vector::push_back(&mut addr, *value);
            i = i + 1;


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