
Programming API reference for the Stork CosmWasm contract.


CosmWasm contracts can integrate with the Stork contract using the stork-cw rust crate available on This crate contains the full contract code, which can be used as an SDK by enabling the library feature. For more documentation, please also see the page. The Stork contract / SDK are built on top of Sylvia.


After setting up your CosmWasm project, add the stork-cw crate to your project dependencies by adding the following line to the [dependencies] section of the programs Cargo.toml:

// Cargo.toml
stork-cw = { version = ">0.1.1", features = ["library"]

or the following command:

cargo add stork-cw --features library

You can now import the stork-cw's interfaces with:

use stork_cw::{<...>}

Query Messages

pub enum QueryMsg {
    GetLatestCanonicalTemporalNumericValueUnchecked {
        id: EncodedAssetId,
    GetSingleUpdateFee {},
    GetStorkEvmPublicKey {},
    GetOwner {},

Get Latest Canonical Temporal Numeric Value Unchecked


Retrieves the latest value for a specified asset without additional checks.



pub struct GetTemporalNumericValueResponse {
    pub temporal_numeric_value: TemporalNumericValue,

Contains a TemporalNumericValue instance representing the latest timestamped value for the relevant asset.


  • StorkError::FeedNotFound : If the specified feed does not exist.

Get Single Update Fee


Retrieves the fee required to update a single feed.


pub struct GetSingleUpdateFeeResponse {
    pub fee: Coin,

Contains a Coin instance representing the amount and denomination of the fee.

Get Stork EVM Public Key


Retrieves the stored EVM public key used for message verification.


pub struct GetStorkEvmPublicKeyResponse {
    pub stork_evm_public_key: EvmPubkey,

Contains an EvmPubkey.

Get Owner


Retrieves the stored address of the owner of the Stork contract.


pub struct GetOwnerResponse {
    pub owner: Addr,

Contains the Addr of the owner.

Execution Messages

pub enum ExecMsg {
        UpdateTemporalNumericValuesEvm { update_data: Vec<UpdateData> },
        // admin functions ..

Update Temporal Numeric Values EVM

Update the latest value of one or more assets based on the provided update values.


  • update_data: Vec<UpdateData> : A vector of updates, where each update contains:

    • id: EncodedAssetId : Encoded asset ID (byte array) of the asset to update

    • temporal_numeric_value: TemporalNumericValue : Struct containing the value and timestamp of the update.

    • publisher_merkle_root: [u8; 32] : The publisher's Merkle root.

    • value_compute_alg_hash: [u8; 32]: Hash of the compute algorithm.

    • r: [u8; 32] : R component of the signature.

    • s: [u8; 32] : S component of the signature.

    • v: u8: V component of the signature.


  • Verifies the update data's signature using the Stork EVM public key stored in the contracts state.

  • Verifies that the update is more recent than the data currently in the feed.

  • If the signature is invalid, the function errors with StorkError::InvalidSignature.

  • If the update is not recent, the function does not error but does no update the feed object.

  • If both verification pass, updates the TemporalNumericValue for the asset and emits a temporal_numeric_value_update event.


  • StorkError::InsufficientFunds: If an insufficient fee is included with the message for the number of updates.

  • StorkError::InvalidSignature: If the signature verification fails.


Example usage of the Stork CosmWasm contract in both Sylvia and CosmWasm Core contracts can be found in the stork-external github repo.

Last updated