
Programming API reference for the Stork Aptos contract.


Aptos contracts can integrate with the Stork contract including it as a project dependency.


After setting up your Aptos Move project, add the Stork contract to your project dependencies by adding the following lines to your projects Move.toml :

// Move.toml
// other addresses ...
stork = "<stork-address>"

For the official Stork contract addresses, see Aptos Contract Addresses. You can now import the Stork interfaces with:

// your_module.move
use stork::{<...>}

stork::stork Methods

Update Single Temporal Numeric Value EVM

public entry fun update_single_temporal_numeric_value_evm(
        // signer of the transaction to pay the fee
        signer: &signer,
        // asset id
        asset_id: vector<u8>,
        // temporal numeric value timestamp ns
        temporal_numeric_value_timestamp_ns: u64,
        // temporal numeric value magnitude
        temporal_numeric_value_magnitude: u128,
        // temporal numeric value negative
        temporal_numeric_value_negative: bool,
        // publisher's merkle root
        publisher_merkle_root: vector<u8>,
        // value compute algorithm hash
        value_compute_alg_hash: vector<u8>,
        // signature r
        r: vector<u8>,
        // signature s
        s: vector<u8>,
        // signature v
        v: u8,


Updates the latest value in the relevant feed object based on the provided update values.


  • signer: &signer: A reference to the signer of the transaction, automatically provided by the MoveVM.

  • asset_id: vector<u8>: Encoded asset ID as a byte vector for the update .

  • temporal_numeric_value_timestamp_ns: u64: Timestamp of the temporal numeric value.

  • temporal_numeric_value_magnitude: u128: The magnitude of the numeric value.

  • temporal_numeric_value_negative: bool: Indicates whether the value is negative.

  • publisher_merkle_root: vector<u8>: The publisher's Merkle root.

  • value_compute_alg_hash: vector<u8>: Hash of the compute algorithm.

  • r: vector<u8>: R component of the signature.

  • s: vector<u8>: S component of the signature.

  • v: u8: V component of the signature.


  • Verifies the update data's signature using the Stork EVM public key stored in the StorkState resource.

  • Verifies that the update is more recent than the data currently in the feed.

  • If the signature is invalid, the function errors with E_INVALID_SIGNATURE.

  • If the update is not recent, the function does not error but does no update the feed object.

  • If both verification pass, updates the TemporalNumericValue for the asset and emits a TemporalNumericValueUpdateEvent.


  • E_INVALID_SIGNATURE: If the signature verification fails.

Update Multiple Temporal Numeric Values EVM

public entry fun update_multiple_temporal_numeric_values_evm(
        // signer of the transaction to pay the fee
        signer: &signer,
        // asset ids
        ids: vector<vector<u8>>,
        // temporal numeric value timestamp ns
        temporal_numeric_value_timestamp_ns: vector<u64>,
        // temporal numeric value magnitude
        temporal_numeric_value_magnitude: vector<u128>,
        // temporal numeric value negative
        temporal_numeric_value_negative: vector<bool>,
        // publisher's merkle roots
        publisher_merkle_roots: vector<vector<u8>>,
        // value compute algorithm hashes
        value_compute_alg_hashes: vector<vector<u8>>,
        // signatures r
        rs: vector<vector<u8>>,
        // signatures s
        ss: vector<vector<u8>>,
        // signatures v
        vs: vector<u8>,


Efficiently updates the latest values for multiple assets based on the proved update data vectors, where the corresponding update data is keyed by index. For example:

  • ids[i]

  • temporal_numeric_value_timestamp_nss[i]

  • temporal_numeric_value_magnitudes[i]

  • ...

all belong to the same update.


  • signer: &signer: A reference to the signer of the transaction, automatically provided by the MoveVM.

  • ids: vector<vector<u8>>: Asset IDs for the updates.

  • temporal_numeric_value_timestamp_nss: vector<u64>: Timestamps for the updates.

  • temporal_numeric_value_magnitudes: vector<u128>: Magnitudes of the numeric values.

  • temporal_numeric_value_negatives: vector<bool>: Indicates whether each value is negative.

  • publisher_merkle_roots: vector<vector<u8>>: Publisher Merkle roots.

  • value_compute_alg_hashes: vector<vector<u8>>: Hashes of the compute algorithms.

  • rs: vector<vector<u8>>: R components of the signatures.

  • ss: vector<vector<u8>>: S components of the signatures.

  • vs: vector<u8>: V components of the signatures.


  • Validates that all input vectors have the same length.

  • Verifies the signature for each update using the Stork EVM public key.

  • Verifies that each update is more recent than the current asset data.

  • If any signature fails verification, the function errors with E_INVALID_SIGNATURE for all updates.

  • If some updates are not recent, those updates are skipped without erroring.

  • Successfully verified and recent updates are applied.

  • Emits a TemporalNumericValueUpdateEvent for each successful update.


  • E_INVALID_SIGNATURE: If any update's signature verfication fails.

  • E_NO_UPDATES: If the ids vector is empty

  • E_INVALID_LENGTHS: If not all the input vectors are the same length.

Get Temporal Numeric Value Unchecked

public fun get_temporal_numeric_value_unchecked(
        // The asset id
        asset_id: vector<u8>,
    ): TemporalNumericValue {
        let encoded_asset_id = encoded_asset_id::from_bytes(asset_id);


View function that retrieves the latest value for a specified asset without additional checks.



  • TemporalNumericValue: The latest value for the relevant asset.


  • E_FEED_NOT_FOUND: If the specified feed does exist.

stork::state Methods

Get Owner

public fun get_owner(): address acquires StorkState


View function that retrieves the stored address of the owner of the Stork contract from the the StorkState .


  • address: The value of the owner field of the state.

Get Stork EVM Public Key

public fun get_stork_evm_public_key(): EvmPubKey acquires StorkState


View function that retrieves the stored EVM public key from the StorkState.


  • EvmPubkey: The value of the stork_evm_public_key field of the state.

Get Single Update Fee in Octas

public fun get_single_update_fee_in_octas(): u64 acquires StorkState


View function that retrieves the fee required to update a single value from the StorkState.


  • u64: The value of the single_update_fee_in_octas field of the state.

State Exists

 public fun state_exists(): bool


View function that checks whether or not the StorkState resource exists. This can be used as a proxy for whether or not the Stork contract has been initialized.


  • bool: Whether or not the StorkState resource exists.


Example usage of the Stork Aptos contract can be found in the stork-external github repo.

Last updated