Asset Config YAML

This document describes the structure of the YAML configuration file used to define assets and their associated parameters for the Chain Pusher.


The asset-config.yaml configuration file contains a root key assets, which is a mapping of asset identifiers (asset_id) to their respective configurations. Each asset configuration includes essential metadata and thresholds required by the program.

YAML Structure

    asset_id: <string>
    fallback_period_sec: <integer>
    percent_change_threshold: <float>
    encoded_asset_id: <string>

Root Key: assets

  • Type: Object

  • Description: A mapping of asset_id to its configuration. Each entry is an Asset Entry keyed by the asset_id.

Asset Entry

Each asset entry contains the following keys:


  • Type: String

  • Description: The plain-text identifier for the asset.

  • Example: BTCUSD


  • Type: Integer

  • Description: The maximum time in seconds between updates if the percent_change_threshold is not met.

  • Example: 60


  • Type: Float

  • Description: The percentage change threshold required to trigger an update.

  • Example: 1.0


  • Type: String

  • Description: The Keccak256 hash of the plain-text asset_id. This is used as a unique, encoded identifier for the asset.

  • Example: 0x7404e3d104ea7841c3d9e6fd20adfe99b4ad586bc08d8f3bd3afef894cf184de

Example Configuration

Below is an example YAML configuration file with a single asset entry:

    asset_id: BTCUSD
    fallback_period_sec: 60
    percent_change_threshold: 1.0
    encoded_asset_id: 0x7404e3d104ea7841c3d9e6fd20adfe99b4ad586bc08d8f3bd3afef894cf184de


This configuration file is read by the Chain Pusher to determine which assets to pull from the aggregator and submit on-chain. Ensure that each asset_id is unique and correctly encoded using the Keccak256 hash to derive the encoded_asset_id. Supported Assets and their IDs are available in the Asset ID Registry. Misconfiguration can lead to unexpected behavior.

Last updated

#233: Henry / Doc Implementation

Change request updated