Programming API reference for the Stork EVM contract.


EVM contracts can program against the Stork contract's interface by creating an interface and contract to include aliases for the methods and structs required from the Stork contract. The Stork contract can also be used via the Pyth and Chainlink adapters. The Stork contract is built using Hardhat.

Getting Started

After setting up your Hardhat project, create an interface with aliases to your necessary Stork methods, and a contract to hold any necessary Stork structs. Then create an instance of the interface constructed with the Stork contract address.

// YourContract.sol
contract YourContract {
    IStork public stork;
    // ...
    constructor (address _stork /*, ...*/) {
        stork = IStork(_stork);
        // ...

// example: include getTemporalNumericValueUnsafeV1
interface IStork {
    function getTemporalNumericValueUnsafeV1(
        bytes32 id
    ) external view returns (StorkStructs.TemporalNumericValue memory value);

contract StorkStructs {
    struct TemporalNumericValue {
        // slot 1
        // nanosecond level precision timestamp of latest publisher update in batch
        uint64 timestampNs; // 8 bytes
        // should be able to hold all necessary numbers (up to 6277101735386680763835789423207666416102355444464034512895)
        int192 quantizedValue; // 8 bytes

You can now interface with the Stork contract.



The Stork contract is designed to be upgradeable using OpenZeppelin's proxy pattern. Ensure the proxy address remains consistent when interacting with the contract to avoid version mismatches.


Initialize Stork

function _initialize(
    address storkPublicKey,
    uint validTimePeriodSeconds,
    uint singleUpdateFeeInWei
) internal;


Initializes the Stork contract with the provided public key, valid time period, and fee for updating values.


  • storkPublicKey: The EVM public key used for signature verification.

  • validTimePeriodSeconds: The duration for which feed values are considered valid.

  • singleUpdateFeeInWei: Fee required for a single update in Wei.

Update Temporal Numeric Values V1

function updateTemporalNumericValuesV1(
    StorkStructs.TemporalNumericValueInput[] calldata updateData
) public payable;


Updates multiple temporal numeric values by verifying signatures and ensuring freshness.


  • updateData: Array of TemporalNumericValueInput structs containing feed updates.


  • Verifies the signature of each feed update using the stored EVM public key.

  • Updates the feed value if the signature is valid and the value is fresher than the current state.

  • Requires sufficient fee based on the number of updates.


  • InvalidSignature: If any feed update fails signature verification.

  • NoFreshUpdate: If none of the provided updates are fresher than current values.

  • InsufficientFee: If the provided fee is less than the required amount.

Get Temporal Numeric Value V1

function getTemporalNumericValueV1(
    bytes32 id
) public view returns (StorkStructs.TemporalNumericValue memory value);


Retrieves the latest temporal numeric value for the specified feed ID. Checks for the staleness threshold set in the state, which varies between chains but is typically 3600 seconds.


  • id: The identifier of the feed.


  • value: The latest TemporalNumericValue struct for the feed.


  • NotFound: If no value exists for the given feed ID.

  • StaleValue: If the value is older than the valid time period.

Get Temporal Numeric Value Unsafe V1

function getTemporalNumericValueUnsafeV1(
    bytes32 id
) public view returns (StorkStructs.TemporalNumericValue memory value);


Retrieves the latest temporal numeric value for the specified feed ID without checking its freshness.


  • id: The identifier of the feed.


  • value: The latest TemporalNumericValue struct for the feed.


  • NotFound: If no value exists for the given feed ID.

Get Update Fee V1

function getUpdateFeeV1(
    StorkStructs.TemporalNumericValueInput[] calldata updateData
) public view returns (uint feeAmount);


Calculates the total fee required for the given updates.


  • updateData: Array of TemporalNumericValueInput structs representing updates.


  • feeAmount: The total fee required for the updates.

Verify Publisher Signatures V1

function verifyPublisherSignaturesV1(
    StorkStructs.PublisherSignature[] calldata signatures,
    bytes32 merkleRoot
) public pure returns (bool);


Verifies multiple publisher signatures against the provided Merkle root.


  • signatures: Array of PublisherSignature structs.

  • merkleRoot: The Merkle root to validate against.


  • bool: True if all signatures are valid and match the Merkle root.


function version() public pure returns (string memory);


Retrieves the current version of the contract.


  • string: The version string (e.g., "1.0.2").

Update Valid Time Period Seconds

function updateValidTimePeriodSeconds(
    uint validTimePeriodSeconds
    ) public virtual;


Updates the valid time period for feed values. Must be implemented in derived contracts.


  • validTimePeriodSeconds: The new valid time period in seconds. Updates the valid time period for feed values. Must be implemented in derived contracts.

Update Single Update Fee in Wei

function updateSingleUpdateFeeInWei(
    uint singleUpdateFeeInWei
    ) public virtual;


Updates the fee for a single update in Wei. Must be implemented in derived contracts.


  • singleUpdateFeeInWei: The new fee for a single update in Wei. Updates the fee for a single update in Wei. Must be implemented in derived contracts.

Update Stork Public Key

function updateStorkPublicKey(
    address storkPublicKey
    ) public virtual;


Updates the EVM public key used for signature verification. Must be implemented in derived contracts.


  • storkPublicKey: The new EVM public key for signature verification. Updates the EVM public key used for signature verification. Must be implemented in derived contracts.


Example usage can be found in the contract adapters in the stork-external github repo.

Last updated

#233: Henry / Doc Implementation

Change request updated