
Programming API reference for the Stork Solana contract.


Solana contracts can program against Stork's contract using the stork-sdk rust crate available on This SDK provides useful methods and structs for reading from stork price feed account. For thorough documentation, please also see the page. The Stork contract and SDK are built on top of Anchor.


After setting up your Anchor project, add the stork-sdk to your project dependencies by adding the following line to the [dependencies] section of the programs Cargo.toml :

// Cargo.toml
stork-sdk = ">0.0.5"

or the following command:

cargo add stork-sdk

You can now import the stork-sdk's interfaces with:

use stork-sdk::{<...>};


Documentation for the methods, structs, and constants provided by the stork-sdk can be found on


Example usage of the stork-sdk for consuming Stork prices can be found in the stork-external github repo.


Stork's contract depends on the stork-sdk crate and Anchor, and contains useful methods for writing to the Stork Config account, as well as Temporal Numeric Value Feed PDA accounts that represent Stork data feeds. The full source-code can be found in the stork-external github repo. For the official deployments, please see the Solana Contract Addresses.



pub fn initialize(
        ctx: Context<Initialize>,
        stork_sol_public_key: Pubkey,
        stork_evm_public_key: EvmPubkey,
        single_update_fee_in_lamports: u64,
    ) -> Result<()>


Initializes the Stork configuration by creating the StorkConfig PDA account. The signer is set as the owner in the owner field.


  • ctx: Context<Initialize>: Context containing the accounts and required for initialization.

  • stork_sol_public_key: Pubkey: The Stork Solana public key.

  • stork_evm_public_key: EvmPubkey: The Stork EVM public key.

  • single_update_fee_in_lamports: u64: The fee for a single update in lamports.


  • Creates the StorkConfig PDA account.

  • Sets the signer as the owner in the ow


    Updates the latest value in the feed account for a specific asset using data signed by the Stork EVM private key.


    • ctx: Context<UpdateTemporalNumericValue>: Context containing the accounts required for the update.

    • update_data: TemporalNumericValueEvmInput: Signed data for a single asset update.


    1. Verifies the signature of the update data using the stork_evm_public_key stored in the config account.

    2. Checks if the new update is more recent than the current feed data.

    3. Transfers the update fee from the payer to the treasury.

    4. Updates the feed account with the new data if all checks pass.


    • StorkError::InvalidSignature: If the update data signature verification fails.

    • StorkError::InsufficientFunds: If the payer does not have enough lamports to cover the update fee.


    • Result<()>: Is Ok(()) if the update is successful.

    ner field.


  • StorkError::Unauthorized: If the signer is not the owner of the contract.


  • Result<()>: Is Ok(()) on success or a StorkError on failure.

Update Temporal Numeric Value EVM

pub fn update_temporal_numeric_value_evm(
        ctx: Context<UpdateTemporalNumericValue>,
        update_data: TemporalNumericValueEvmInput,
    ) -> Result<()>


Updates the latest value in the feed account for a specific asset using data signed by the Stork EVM private key.


  • ctx: Context<UpdateTemporalNumericValue>: Context containing the accounts required for the update.

  • update_data: TemporalNumericValueEvmInput: Signed data for a single asset update.


  1. Verifies the signature of the update data using the stork_evm_public_key stored in the config account.

  2. Verifies if the new update is more recent than the current feed data.

  3. Does not error, but does not update if the recency verification fails.

  4. Transfers the update fee from the payer to the treasury.

  5. Updates the feed account with the new data if all verifications pass.


  • StorkError::InvalidSignature: If the update data signature verification fails.

  • StorkError::InsufficientFunds: If the payer does not have enough lamports to cover the update fee.


  • Result<()>: Is Ok(()) if the update is successful.

Update Single Update Fee

pub fn update_single_update_fee_in_lamports(
        ctx: Context<AdminUpdate>,
        new_single_update_fee_in_lamports: u64,
    ) -> Result<()> 


Updates the fee required to perform a single feed update.


  • ctx: Context<AdminUpdate>: Context containing the config PDA account.

  • new_single_update_fee_in_lamports: u64: The new single update fee in lamports.


  • Updates the single_update_fee_in_lamports field in the StorkConfig PDA account.


  • StorkError::Unauthorized: If the signer is not the owner defined in the owner field of the StorkConfig PDA account.


  • Result<()>: Is Ok(()) on success or a StorkError on failure.

Update Stork Sol Pub Key

pub fn update_stork_sol_public_key(
        ctx: Context<AdminUpdate>,
        new_stork_sol_public_key: Pubkey,
    ) -> Result<()>


Updates the Stork Solana public key in the StorkConfig PDA account.


  • ctx: Context<AdminUpdate>: Context containing the config PDA account.

  • new_stork_sol_public_key: Pubkey: The new Stork Solana public key.


  • Updates the stork_sol_public_key field in the StorkConfig PDA account.


  • StorkError::Unauthorized: If the signer is not the owner defined in the owner field of the StorkConfig PDA account.


  • Result<()>: Is Ok(()) on success or a StorkError on failure.

Update Stork EVM Pub Key

  pub fn update_stork_evm_public_key(
        ctx: Context<AdminUpdate>,
        new_stork_evm_public_key: EvmPubkey,
    ) -> Result<()>


Updates the Stork EVM public key in the StorkConfig PDA account. This key is used to verify the signatures of update data passed to the update_temporal_numeric_value_evm function.


  • ctx: Context<AdminUpdate>: Context containing the config PDA account.

  • new_stork_evm_public_key: EvmPubkey: The new Stork EVM public key.


  • Updates the stork_evm_public_key field in the StorkConfig PDA account.


  • StorkError::Unauthorized: If the signer is not the owner defined in the owner field of the StorkConfig PDA account.


  • Result<()>: Is Ok(()) on success or a StorkError on failure.

Last updated

#233: Henry / Doc Implementation

Change request updated